
Hello Parents & Guardians,

It has been wonderful to see more and more of our grades 6-12 students back to school in-person! Thank you to everyone for making this transition such a good one. The change in learning model has sparked some questions about student attendance in grades 6-12, which are addressed in the frequently asked questions below. Please do not hesitate to reach out to building administrators or the central office with any additional questions, ideas, or concerns.

Can I select more than one learning model for my child, and change back and forth?
Families are asked to select one learning model and stick with it through the end of the year at Swift Middle School. Watertown High School students should pick a learning model and follow the in person rotation schedule. A student's chosen learning model should remain the same for safety reasons, as it will help the school to ensure all students are accurately accounted for. Additionally, it will allow for consistency in classrooms.   

If my child is an in-person or hybrid learner, can they choose to learn remotely on any given day versus going into the building?

  • For accurate state reporting, we must take attendance based on where the student is assigned to be that day.  
  • Therefore, any in-person or hybrid learner who stays home but should be physically present in school will be marked absent. In this case, the parent should follow current district policy and call the school office for the absence to be excused.  
  • However, we do not want a student who is ill to feel obligated to attend class when they are not feeling well. Therefore, if a student is under the weather, but well enough to attend school remotely, a parent/guardian must call the office and say that their child is sick but will participate remotely. In this case, the students will be marked as remote present.   

Please Note:  Students may only switch their learning model on any given day and be considered as remote present as a result of illness or the need to quarantine.

Thank you