Pie Sale

Hello Polk Families –


The time is here for the first big PTO Fundraiser of the 2021-22 school year! 

 Click here or scroll for the form: https://5il.co/zqge

Your child will be bringing home a paper order form today or tomorrow for the Lyman Orchard Pie/Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough Fundraiser we run every year. It is also linked here. This fundraiser runs through October 19th.


The preferred way to sell the products is through the online portal. The paper order form contains a link for you to set up your online presence. If you have an account from a previous fundraiser, you may be able to use that information for this one. The advantage to selling online is the ability to sell products to people all over the country as there is a Simply Shipped Collection where the product goes right to the purchaser (and most of them look really tasty!). Also, exclusively online is the ability for someone to donate a Pie to the Watertown Food Bank. What a great idea right before the Thanksgiving holiday!


Last year we sold 816 products! Let’s see if we can get to 900 this year! We have 20 days and 3 weekends to sell these delicious products, so hopefully, we can fly past last year’s numbers. Like last year, the top 3 sellers will receive gift cards for their efforts (source of the gift cards to be determined). A twist this year, is the following gift card structure:


If we sell the same or less than last year:


1st place = $100 gift card     2nd place = $50 gift card     3rd place = $25 gift card


If we sell more than last year:


1st place = $150 gift card      2nd place = $100 gift card     3rd place = $50 gift card


So, let’s talk it up at home and at school and make sure we exceed last year’s totals for the bigger payout structure and more to spend on playground supplies!


If you have any questions, please reach out to the PTO at polkpto435@gmail.com



Polk PTO