Sunday, December 4, 2021
Dear Watertown Public Schools Families and Faculty,          
Beginning this month, a WPS employee will be featured in a new column called “Innovative and Interesting Interviews” to spotlight the good work that is happening around our district.

This month’s Innovative and Interesting Interview highlights a JTPS teacher's special Veterans Day guest!
Click here to read the whole interview.

Lastly, below there are several links in this week's update regarding different topics - Make sure to click each link to read more!


Dr. V
Happenings and Useful Information

CLICK HERE for opening night pictures from CLUE! Performed by WHS students


Dates to Remember
December 13 - WHS Choral Performance, WHS Auditorium, 6 pm 
WHS Instrumental, WHS Auditorium, 7pm
Regularly scheduled BOE meeting, 7 pm
December 16 - ‘Hidden in Plain Sight’, 6PM 
December 23 - Early Dismissal Day
December 24 - 31 - Winter Break

Click here to read the Weather Related Decisions Letter for 2021-2022

5-11 Year Old Vaccination Clinic on December 9 TIME CHANGE
Please note that the times for the WPS 5-11 year old Pfizer vaccination clinic on December 9th have been changed to run from 3:15PM-8:30PM.  Interested parents who would like to schedule a vaccine appointment for their 5-11 year old can use the following link by clicking here.

All vaccinations are free and open to all students with or without insurance.
It is very important to note that:

  • Any student ages between 5-11 years must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian.
  • Any student receiving a vaccine must have the following two forms signed by a parent or legal guardian prior to the vaccine appointment for Griffin Health’s records. (Forms will also be available on site)
  • Form 1: Pediatric Intake Form
  • Form 2: Pre Vaccination Checklist

Health and Safety

Quote of the Week
“Words may inspire but only action creates change” ~ Simon Sinek