May 24, 2024

Dear Watertown Public Schools Faculty, Families, and Students, 

Every year as Memorial Day approaches, a dear friend of my family sends out his ‘annual email’ as part of the tradition/responsibility he has adopted as a Marine Veteran. We’ve grown to anticipate receiving the ‘annual email’ and we take a moment each weekend before we go out to watch the Memorial Day parade to remember our friend’s four close fallen friends, Sgt. A., LCpl. R., AO2 N., and GySgt J. 

Our friend and his group were deployed in Fallujah what feels like years ago. He made it back but his four closest buddies did not. He had promised them and their families that as a token of his devotion and commitment to their friendship, he would continue their legacy each year by sending out an email to everyone on his contacts list to commemorate their bravery, loyalty to our country and unbreakable bond every Memorial Day weekend.

As I get ready to hang extra flags and plant more pinwheels in my garden adorned with red, white, and blue stars, stripes, and glitter, I also take a moment to remember the sacrifice that was made … and why we remember the many people who served and continue to serve on Memorial Day. I hope you will also do the same as we gear up to enjoy this beautiful weekend.

Happy Memorial Day, Watertown! I hope to see you cheer on our Swift and WHS marching bands in this Monday's parade. See you there.

Dr. V

Important Dates and Happenings

May 27 - Memorial Day Parade, Schools and Office Closed for Holiday    

May 28 - Swift Quassy field trip, 9:00-2:00  

May 28 - Regularly Scheduled BOE Meeting, 7PM WHS Lecture Hall

May 29 - Judson Grade 5 Field Trip to Sturbridge Village

May 30 - Fantastic Festival (select music students)

May 30 - WHS Senior Picnic

May 30 - CASBO Award Dinner - Congratulations Ms. Kashuba!

May 31- Judson Glow Dance, 5:30PM

May 31 - Grade 5 Polk Celebration at Camp Mataucha

May 31 - JTPS visit to Beardsley Zoo

June 4, 5, 6 - JTPS K graduations 

June 7 - WHS Senior Sunset

June 8 - Invention Convention State Finals at UCONN - Good Luck State Finalists!

June 10 - Grade 8 Dinner Dance at Grand Oak Villa

June 13 - Last day of school, Swift and WHS Graduation, John Mills Complex

June 19 - Juneteenth!

June 19 - School Capital Projects Meeting, 7PM

Events In and Around Town Over the Summer

Photos from Around the District