Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Dear Watertown Parents/Guardians of Students in Grades 3-12,

Based on Policy 5015 School Climate and Safety, a School Climate Survey will be administered this year to students and families.

The Watertown Public Schools will utilize questions from the U.S. Department of Education’s School Climate Student Survey designed by the National Center for Education Statistics. The school climate survey will ask questions in two focus areas: Belonging and School Climate. The survey is a reliable and valid instrument that will help us assess and grow in these two very important areas of work.

All parents/guardians are invited to fill out the survey to help us identify opportunities and provide feedback on how to improve the learning environment and school experiences across the Watertown Public Schools.  

In addition, students in grades 3-12 and faculty/staff will have an opportunity to complete surveys so all stakeholders have a chance to provide feedback. It is important to us to hear from a broad range of our school community members. 

The parent survey should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. It is important to remember to complete the survey with responses you believe represent a holistic view of experiences and not just a single point in time. All responses will be kept anonymous and there is no matching of participants to responses.

The 2023 WPS Climate Survey will be administered between May 17 - May 31, 2023. A link will be sent out to all families.

Lastly, your child’s participation in this survey is also voluntary. We have attached the questions that will be asked in the student survey to this letter. If you do not want your child to participate in this survey, your child will not be negatively impacted.  There is also an option for your child to complete a paper and pencil version of the survey.  If you do not wish to have your child participate or would prefer they take the paper pencil version, please follow the appropriate link below to submit your request (by May 12, 5PM).

I do not want my child to participate in this survey (grades 3-12 only) OR I would like my child to take the paper pencil version 

Watertown Public Schools 2023 School Climate Survey - Students

The Student Survey will take approximately 7 minutes to complete.

Students will be asked to rate on a scale of ‘Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree’ to answer each of the following questions. If you would like a paper pencil version for your child or would like to opt out, use the link above.

  • I have friends at school that support and care about me.

  • People at my school understand me as a person.

  • I am comfortable asking my teachers for help with my schoolwork.

  • At my school there is at least one teacher or other adult who listens to what I have to say.

  • I feel like I belong at my school.

  • I am happy to be at school.

  • My teachers really care about me.

  • Adults working at school treat all students respectfully.

  • My teachers seem excited to be teaching my class.

  • The rules at my school are applied equally to all students.

  • The behavior of other students at my school does not interfere with my learning.

  • My school has a positive energy.

  • My teachers notice if I have trouble learning something.

  • Other students respect me.

  • The physical space in my school is pleasant.

  • At this school, students have lots of chances to help decide things, like class activities and rules.

  • My teachers expect me to do my best at school.

  • The things I am learning in school are interesting and important to me.

  • I have to work hard to do well at school.

  • At this school, all students are treated equally well.

  • I feel safe traveling to and from school.

  • I feel safe while I am at school.

  • Students know what to do if there is an emergency.

  • Please type in anything else you would like to share about school.

Reference: ED School Climate Surveys, “Student Survey” U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics