For Students
For Families
Project Graduation is Watertown High School’s annual all-night drug and alcohol free celebration on graduation night. Participation in this project keeps our graduates free from the planned or accidental use of alcohol, tobacco and designer drugs and demonstrates to them that it is possible to have a great celebration without drugs of any kind. Most importantly the event works to prevent the possible tragedy that all too frequently occurs when these things are involved. The community based committee working through the Watertown High School PTO organizes Project Graduation and raises funds each year to make the celebration a reality.
Grateful for Watertown’s incredible generosity in the past we are once again asking for your help and support for the all-night drug free celebration. Please consider making a donation to support this year’s effort.
Monetary Donation. Please fill in the form below and return with your contribution to WHS Project Graduation, 324 French Street, Watertown, CT 06795
Donate a Prize for our prize giveaway (gift certificates, electronics, gift cards, items suitable for college dorms such as mini refrigerators, towels, comforters, etc.)
Donate Snack Items such as desserts veggie trays, chips, water or beverages.
Volunteer. We need people all hours between 9:30 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. Many time slots available or all night.
Project Graduation Permission Slip
Volunteers can sign up here.
The WHS PTO and Project Graduation Committee thanks you for your consideration of supporting this important night. If you have any questions, please call Pam and John Ciccio at (860)274-3321 - jciccio@snet.net; Rob and Holly Gurry (860) 945-6788 - rlgurry@aol.com or Lisa Cattaneo (203) 982-2784 - lisahcatt@yahoo.com.
Checks can be made payable to: WHS Project Graduation
Mail or drop off at Watertown High School, Attention: Project Graduation, 324 French Street, Watertown, CT 06795 or email watertownprojectgrad@gmail.com